Become an Affiliate (free) or member of the Global Information Network!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

We (and all other beings) are the universe awakening to itself, becoming conscious of itself, creating the next phase of itself, and -- if we choose to make it so -- falling in love with itself (our "self"). We are deeply and inextricably interdependent with all that is, and all who are. We -- what we think, what we do, what we choose to care about -- we matter -- and so does everyone else. So, love one another; indeed, love even your "enemies" because ultimately there is no such thing.

"We imagine we are separate, you and I. Even in this we are one."

The above statements were relayed to me by my brother, Bob.  He is a very deep thinker, and he consistently provides me with information that is very thought-provoking!  

Daily, and often-times a multitude of times during each day, I gain new knowledge that propels me in the direction I want to go.  I've become enlightened to a point of constant thirst for more knowledge, more food for my brain!  

This blog I've just begun, is a glimpse of my life journey, with most likely 99% of it resulting from my thoughts and feelings.

I want to relay within this first post, that my life journey has had a complete turnaround in recent time.  The majority of this turnaround is a result of my "luck" in having come to know the Global Information Network, which is an association of like-minded people, sharing all that they know, in order to help others to achieve anything and everything they desire in their lives.  The massive, immeasurable, infinitely life-changing information that has catapulted me into a new-found obsession with creating the life I want, is what I'd like to offer to you.

I ask that if you yearn for ANYTHING, if there is ANYTHING in your life you're disatisfied with, if there's ANYTHING you want, and feel you won't or can't have, if there's ANYTHING that you desire to be or do and don't know how, then you NEED the Global Information Network!

I invite you to join this most fantastic association of inspiring, knowing people and launch your life journey into new unbelievably exciting, growing directions.

You can become an Affiliate (free) or a full member, at:
Enter my Affiliate Code: powerwithin

If this post spikes some interest from you, but you are wanting to know more before making any decision, please post a comment to contact me.  I'll be happy to answer questions!

You are the creator of your life.  If I can help just one other person in the world create the life they want, I will be ecstatic!

You become what you think about most of the time.  What are you attracting into your life?

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