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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What is your emotional set point?

Did you know that your feelings are your guide?  Your feelings tell you what you like, and what you don't like.  They tell you whether they are in alignment with yourself, with what you really want, or not.  When you have negative emotion, it means your are in resistance to your desire.  If you've been having bad feelings much of the time, you don't have to accept it as the way it is.  You have control over your thoughts.  Unlike other beings, like a cat or dog, for example, you can choose to think better feeling thoughts.  So you can change your vibration yourself, to be in alignment with what you really want.  You can observe things as they are, remember things as they are, or expect things to come as you currently think they will be, or you can imagine all of those things as you would like them to be.  The more your feelings are good, the more good feelings, events, circumstances, people, etc, you will attract into your life.  

Contemplate your life experiences and determine how you want to view them.  Find positive aspects in all things, and pay attention to them.  The more good you find in any area of your life, in any event in your life, the better you will feel, and the better you feel, the more better feeling events will be drawn to you. 

When you have good feelings you're moving in the direction of your well-being.  When your feelings are bad, you're moving away from your well-being.  It is YOUR choice!  Decide to choose all that is good, no matter what happens.  Think about what you desire, and just know that if you believe in it, it will be.  It must be, for it is the law, the law of attraction.  

If you've been paying attention to and concentrating on that which you don't want, you will build upon it, and create more of what you don't want in your life.  But just remember, that at any point, you can just as easily turn that around, by changing your emotional set point.  Choose to create the life you want!   The universe is here to provide you with what you desire.  

The better you feel, the better you will feel.  It will grow upon itself.  Abundance, and the lack of abundance are both available to you.  Know what you want, and decide that you will have it, believe that you will have it.  You won't know how, or when, you just know it will be.  Believe it and feel it as though you've already got it!

It is the magic of believing.  It is the magic of thought.  It is the magic of feeling.  It is the magic of the law of attraction.

You are not a victim.  You are a creator.  Go forth and create!  Affiliate code: powerwithin

The Summer Bonanza is still on until August 31, 2010.  Take advantage now, and increase the already unbelievable value that membership in GIN (Global Information Network) provides! 

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